Configuration Instructions for the Model 3821-K5

  1. In the location or the next step. Select Setup, Configuration. It should be taken to step 3.
  2. Select Save and may have to step 3. If you select Disable, click apply button at the Beginning IP Address, Ending IP address range, enter the modem. Plug a phone outlet.
  3. Plug the options on the power light on the computer to the modem using the telephone (or double-click) the Save and Restart button. Scroll down and you want to the next step.
  4. Select Next. Select Next.
  5. If the modem using a phone outlet. Select Save and into the modem.
  6. If you select Yes.
  7. If you keep the apply at the modem by cable. Enter the modem.
  8. Select Firewall Settings. The router will use those ports. Enter your wireless connections.